Psychic, Medium, & Instructor of Spiritual Energy Techniques
YES, I am hanging up my crystal ball and no longer scheduling one on one sessions. I am not sure what my next chapters hold. I am taking some time to rest and regroup. I have enjoyed almost every moment of my time doing readings for all the special people that have come my way. I have been honored to work with you. I will miss the stories of your life and hope that you will update me on the big events from time to time. I know that with faith and TRUST we can all live the next chapters of our lives with love, light and Joy. Always remember.. …“I am enough.” My Angelic team would also like to remind you that there is always an Angel standing by to wrap you in their wings, and bring you comfort. Just ask! NAMASTE’ Denise
Please visit the referral page for other potential practitioners who are available to help you.
I am pleased that you have found your way to my website. It gives you some information about me and my background. I was born, raised and am currently living on the Monterey Peninsula in California. I am a mother and a grandmother.
I am a clairvoyant psychic, medium and channel with over 20 years of learning, training and hands on work. Through my insights, I am able to help others to clear blockages and progress forward.
My training includes being a REIKI Master, Massage Therapist, Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner and Certified Medium.
I enjoy working with people to help them learn about their own energy field and emotions as they move forward on their path to a more peaceful way of life.
I consider myself one of the fortunate ones who has found my passion and purpose in life and is able to live and enjoy it every day.
“Denise is a gifted medium, healer and teacher with an abundance of integrity. She is grounded channel and is very professional in the way she conducts private sessions and leads truly informative and unique classes. I highly recommend her to anyone who is looking to connect with Spirit, who wants to expand their own intuitive learning and to enhance their spiritual journey.”
“To say my work with Denise has changed my life is nearly an understatement! Good luck trying to figure out to recreate how you feel after a personal session with her! Talk about a natural high! Her channeling class has changed my practice completely, it has catapulted my work with clients and opened up my intuition more than I ever imagined. Her activation course has literally changed my reality, I have never been happier in my life. She is so very clear and from the heart. My gratitude can hardly be expressed. I am eternally grateful for what she has done for me and what she is doing for so many. Maybe one day I can be president of her fan club.”